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雅思学习 最新更新时间:2024-07-05 21:50:57

  • 付我的车费或者当作一个固定用法来看,填 the/my
    【题目】it was __【1】__ (freeze) cold as i was waiting at a bus stop in my hunt for a job. the bus had just pulled __
    曹老师 2024-07-05
  • they fought to the last breath
    【题目】they fought to the last breath __________ freedom and of the benefits of the people.a. in absence of b. in s
    amy 2024-07-05
  • researchers are finding new wa
    【题目】researchers are finding new ways to save snakebite victims.experts discussed the latest findings during a re
  • 本文是一篇说明文。科学家的研究表明爱情的确会影响人类的大脑
    【题目】many songs, poems, and books have been written on love’s strong effect on people. the state of being in love
    唐志云 2024-07-05
  • it's not the case事实并非如此;符合句意
    【题目】-i love the internet. i've come to know many friends on the net.-__________. few of them would become your r
    曹老师 2024-07-05
  • organize ,v.组织; 安排; 规划
    【题目】 the club in my town is an _【1】 (organize) very popular _【2】___ young people. i have been _【3】_ member of it
    周老师 2024-07-05
  • i was walking down the street
    【题目】i was walking down the street, when i suddenly saw a car __________ a huge pine.a. bump into     b. bump up
    amy 2024-07-05
  • 英文释义连连看【1】stare        a.the
    【题目】英文释义连连看【1】stare        a.the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as sb.else【2】 adjust        b.t
    amy 2024-07-05
  • 轻松阅读,正确选择
    【题目】轻松阅读,正确选择。my name is alice. there are five people in my family. my grandpa and grandma have a big farm. ther
    王老师 2024-07-05
  • if you think that treating a c
    【题目】if you think that treating a child well means always __________ his permission for things, think again. a. g
    周老师 2024-07-05
  • 选择正确的单词补全句子。 talk on the phone意为“打电话”,是固定用法
    【题目】选择正确的单词补全句子。(1) this _________ (is / are) my cap.(2) he is _________ (wear / wearing) new trousers.(3) i tal
    bella 2024-07-05
  • 9. have的单三形式是has
    【题目】按要求填空。1. young(反义词)                        2. i’d like(完全形式)         3. two(同音词)                         
    诸齄 2024-07-05
  • that was when my son was 6 yea
    【题目】that was when my son was 6 years old. my son is now 22 but whenever i look at him even as a grown man, i rem
    曹老师 2024-07-05
  • 雅思学习哪里,这些你一定要知道
    mr.hu 2024-07-05
  •  another secret of animals’ su
    【题目】 another secret of animals’ survival is telepathy(心灵感应). this sense becomes atrophied(衰退) in man, but a(n)  
    曹老师 2024-07-05
  • 速成学习雅思有保障吗
    速成学习雅思有保障吗?大家都知道,同学在报班时需要参考自身的复习情况和辅导班的出分效果来做决定。相信报雅思速成班的同学肯定希望短期内获得目标分数,但是关于“速成学习雅思有保障吗”你真的知道么?只有切实地弄明白后,方可知晓自己是不是适合报名雅思速成班。 为何要选择雅思速成班?借鉴网上的数
    杨老师 2024-07-05
  • this dictionary is _
    【题目】this dictionary is __________ to my translation, but that one is __________.a. a great help; of no use  b. v
    周老师 2024-07-05
  • 句意:我很抱歉打扰你了
    【题目】--- i’m sorry to bother you.---- you didn’t bother me,        , i like your company.a. on the contrary      
    周老师 2024-07-05
  • a powerful earthquake struck h
    【题目】a powerful earthquake struck haiti's capital,__________ tens of thousands homeless and buried in ruins. a. l
    amy 2024-07-05
  • 考查短语。句意:尽管他尽了自己的大努力,实验还是失败了
    【题目】the experiment, though they had tried their best, ________ to be a failure.a. turned up      b. turned outc.
    唐志云 2024-07-05
  • 0基础到雅思6分培训班价格是多少
    1、雅思不同分数的单词量对照表 不相同的的成绩对咱们词汇量掌握的数量也是有所不同的。 雅思6.5的成绩考核,基本要求掌握5000上下的词汇; 雅思7分的成绩考核,基本要求掌握6500个上下的词汇; 雅思7.5的成绩考核,至少是要熟练运用8000以上的词汇; 雅思8分的成绩考核,词汇量需要了
    曹老师 2024-07-05
  • 2.动作发生在过去,已经结束但对现在有影响
    【题目】for nearly ten years, he ______ very few interviews or concerts. his simple life might have continued but fo
  • 雅思想要考到6.5分,需要准备多长时间?
    徐老师 2024-07-05
  • 一家雅思补习班的学习时间需要多久
    一家雅思补习班的学习时间需要多久?有些学员辅导雅思考试只要2个月就够了,但是有些学员就需要6个月以上的时间,甚至更久。对于一个是大学cet-4成绩的学员和一个是大学六级成绩的学员的情况来说,所需的课程规划和辅导时间肯定是不相同的。 雅思英语辅导一般需要多久,不同基础的学员培训周期会有差别,
    王老师 2024-07-05
  • 备考雅思应该报班么?
    备考雅思应该报班么?这个问题是我工作许多年来,学生高频率询问的问题。找机构学习雅思课程优点非常多,如若学生需要获取雅思好成绩,希望大家选辅导班学习雅思课程!有的学生选在家自学,但大多数人最终没获取理想分数,只能又选辅导班学习,差点错过了不错的申请时间。 98%之上的学生拿到雅思高分都要
    kitty 2024-07-05
  • you will never imagine that su
    【题目】you will never imagine that such a small invention as a kite can【1】        (有益) us so much! flying kites is
  • therefore/thus 根据所给中文以及逗号,确定单词为therefore或thus
    【题目】第一节 单词拼写(共l0小题;每小题l分,满分l0分。注意:请在题后1-10横线上填写单词。)【1】i accepted his _____________ (论点,争论) that we should increa
  • 雅思六分基础班适合什么学习基础的学习者培训学习?
    老实说学习出国雅思课程已经越来越普遍了,因为今年共计48场考试。从考试频率上来说考生能够长期培训学习,同样也能考虑快速提升。由于近几年报名雅思人数越来越多,雅思考试的报名费用也有所增长了。所以通过学习雅思辅导更高效,获得理想的语言成绩是每一个雅思考生和考生家长的愿望。 随着这几年雅思教育在
    kitty 2024-07-05
  • 复习雅思为何要考虑报班?
    复习雅思为何要考虑报班?报班当真能快速提分吗?据说雅思培训费用很贵,报班当真有用吗?考雅思并不是那么着急,先自己学习是否更合适?究竟是自己学习还是报班呢?面对诸如此类问题,我们详细的分析一下。 学生们都清楚雅思英语成绩是采用听说读写单项分数的平均值。总的来讲,同学不能够太偏科,稍微大意
    杨老师 2024-07-05
  • 全封闭雅思课程收费一般是怎样
    全封闭雅思课程收费一般是怎样?雅思封闭班价格由许多原因决定,比如你的雅思英语基础,您对于封闭学习中心吃饭和住宿的需求等,雅思封闭住宿班合适什么样的学生选择?您合适吗?对于有雅思应试需要的同学而言,参与雅思英语封闭班学习是你到国外学习的开始,参与雅思封闭住宿班学习会让学员收获多多。 每年暑假,很
    王老师 2024-07-05


